We all deserve to be safe, equal and respected. More than 1 in 3 women have experienced men’s violence. Safety for women is not a given in any community – and neither is respect. It doesn't have to be this way.
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a global campaign led annually by UN Women. It runs every year from 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (Human Rights Day).
During the 16 Days of Activism, communities around the world join the call to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls.
Read on to see how you and your organisation can get involved in the 16 Days of Activism in Victoria.
Walk Against Family Violence 2024
On Friday 22 November, join thousands of Victorians for the 16th annual Walk Against Family Violence in the Melbourne CBD.
Sign up to our mailing list to be the first to hear more updates as they are available.
Bring 16 Days of Activism to your community

Bring the 16 Days of Activism to your local council, workplace, sports club or other community group, and help change the culture that drives violence against women.
Download the 16 Days toolkit and resources to support your community's involvement in the 16 Days of Activism and ongoing prevention activities.
Join 16 Days of Activism events and activities
The Victorian Government, through Respect Victoria and Safe and Equal, is supporting local councils, statewide and regional women’s health services and their prevention partnerships to run events and activities across the state during the 16 Days of Activism.
This year, Safe and Equal is providing support to organisations participating in the 16 Days, including resources, events, and the 16 Days Helpdesk – where you can get tailored support to help make your campaign as impactful as possible for your community.
Visit Safe and Equal’s 16 Days of Activism page to:
- contact the 16 Days Helpdesk
- add your public event to the community calendar
- register for free online webinars and workshops to support your planning and activities
- see examples of previous innovative and inspired grassroots activities.
You can also sign up to Safe and Equal's 16 Days Bulletin to receive a fortnightly wrap of the latest resources, case studies and events.
Be part of the conversation
Follow Respect Victoria on social media, share posts using #16Days and #16DaysOfActivism and tag us:
- Facebook – @RespectVictoria
- Instagram – @respectvictoria
- LinkedIn – Respect Victoria
- TikTok – @respect_victoria
Support pathways
If you are experiencing family violence, concerned for your safety, or in an emergency situation please call 000 for urgent police assistance.
If you need support or advice, please reach out to a recommended specialist support service.