Join the 16 Days of Activism and help build communities where women are safe and equal. It all starts with respect.
This document and its related resources are intended for local governments, workplaces, and organisations that have a role in prevention, intervention and response of family violence and violence against women – formally or informally.
It is intended to support your involvement in the 16 Days of Activism and to encourage local community participation in ongoing efforts to end violence against women that are inclusive and welcoming of all people. It includes information to help you coordinate meaningful events and activities, as well as information you can use to guide your community messaging.
This resource is updated each year based on your feedback – please share your thoughts with us by emailing contact@respectvictoria.vic.gov.au.
Read the toolkit
Download the PDF, or read the toolkit online. Find campaign materials to help support your 16 Days of Activism.
Respect Victoria acknowledges Aboriginal peoples throughout Victoria as the First Peoples and Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands and waterways on which we rely. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present. We proudly acknowledge Aboriginal communities throughout Victoria and their ongoing strength in practising the world’s oldest living cultures.
We acknowledge the significant and ongoing impacts of colonisation and commit to working alongside First Nations communities to effect change. We recognise the ongoing leadership role of these communities in addressing and preventing family violence and violence against women, and will continue to work in collaboration with First Peoples to eliminate these forms of violence from all communities.
Safe and Equal is the peak body for Victorian organisations that specialise in family and gender-based violence across the continuum, including primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery. Respect Victoria is the dedicated organisation for the prevention of family violence and violence against women in Victoria.
Safe and Equal, on behalf of Respect Victoria, will be distributing funding to support local prevention activities during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Funding is available to each of the 79 local councils, Safe and Equal member organisations and regional and state-wide women’s health services who will support work with their primary prevention partnerships across Victoria.
This toolkit was first developed by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) in 2019 and since updated in partnership with Safe and Equal and Respect Victoria.
We acknowledge the contributions of our 2024 Project Advisory Group members: Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE), Thorne Harbour Health, InTouch, Northern Grampians Council, Women’s Health Grampians, Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), No To Violence (NTV) and Banyule Council. We also thank Jackson Fairchild Consulting for their advice. Further thanks to everyone who has provided feedback and advice from previous 16 Days campaigns.